Liz007: ‘TalkLeft is Fair and Balanced’

June 26, 2008

So looks as though Liz will provide us with entertainment for awhile! This one is rich:

I really wish you would drop the condescending and hateful attitude when it comes to me. It is getting tiresome. I don’t go to any hate Obama websites. I spend most of my time either reading The Page or Talkleft. At least there is some intelligent conversation left there.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Talk Left is not an anti-Obama hate site? It has intelligent conversation? Wow. Liz truly IS a silly person! Check the update over at Cole’s Place.

Liz007: ‘I have the brain of a peanut’

June 26, 2008

Liz007, without snark:

are they internet rumors…there’s tons of proof to go along with them!!!! … He’s never addressed them completely– pretty much has done what he’s always done and side-stepped the issue.


EvilTwinSister: ‘Obama is pure evil’

June 26, 2008

So EvilTwinSister goes a bit overboard and takes Hillary’s loss personally, and naturally should be ridiculed, especially since she demands she not be. And, incidentally, it is PRINCIPLE, not PRINCIPAL.

Gee, why would that be, exactly, and why are you so willing to accept the fact that Obama has completely shit on her? By all means, crawl into the pockets of the mack daddy and accept his ruthless and machiavellian tactics. Refusing to support him on principal has no merit? Since when? He fucking destroyed her and did everything he could to humiliate her, and the DNC and the media eagerly helped him along. You want to put your imprimatur on that shit? Fine. What Hillary chooses to do politically is done to keep herself in the game. I am not bound by that. I will not crawl back to an abuser – period.

And finally, this gem: “And when I read about her coming back to campaign for Obama, I think, `they are not helping her.’ They don’t really care about her. She isn’t a person to them. She is a business, a cause, a means to drive traffic to a website. She is a claim to fame.”

Give it a rest. As the superior candidate in every way, who got completely shafted by her own party and the very candidate you now lionize, my support of Hillary is intensely personal and unwavering. Your commitment is to electing Obama. Mine is to continuing to point to a cataclysmic disaster you are all too eager to put behind you. It is my cri de coeur, and I will not be ridiculed for it.

Wow. There is so much wrong with this comment that it’s hard to leave it alone and not RIDICULE her. She accuses Obama of ruthlessness and being Machiavellian, and yet ignores Hillary’s own kitchen sink approach? And she calls Obama an abuser,  which is so over the top that she belittles those who truly have suffered from abuse. As to Hillary being ‘superior in every way,’ HOW? Prove it! If she was so superior, how come she did not plan for elections after Super Tuesday? How did she blow her own front runner status? Why did she make such bad decisions? Why did she run an incompetent campaign? Why does she owe so much money? The list goes on. And yes, Twin, you deserve to be ridiculed. And I don’t care. You and your ilk are never going to support Obama; why should he have to prove anything to you? I look forward to you gnashing of teeth when McCain loses.

Taylor Marsh: True to Her Word

June 26, 2008

I have trashed Taylor Marsh quite a bit for allowing her site to become a festering swamp of anti-Obama hate. That being said, she posted months ago that she would fight McCain whoever the nominee was. She has been true to her word. For example,

Hillary has asked her delegates and her financial backers to support Barack Obama and do everything they can to elect him. She wants her supporters to do the same. If anyone thinks Hillary wants McCain elected they don’t know Senator Clinton. There is no way she’d embrace any Democrat who supported her endorsing John bomb-bomb-bomb Iran McCain.

SOME of her commenters are still nuts, but Taylor, at least, recognizes the situation and is part of the reality-based community.

Liz007: ‘I’m an oblivious fool’

June 26, 2008

Liz seems to, you know, not pay attention:

I really wish Barack Obama would make a concerted effort to denounce/ debunk or reject his anti-American friends/ associates and to really address the internet rumors that are preventing millions of democrats from voting for him. Give us 10 townhalls and 2 more debates with McCain…

Gee, Liz, where in the name of McCain have you been for the past 4 months? You do not recall this inane argument before? Oh, and as to the Internet ya go.

Taylor’s New Reality

June 17, 2008

As I slowly work my tired new daddy butt back into blogging, Ron over at Centerface has penned a lovely little thank you to Taylor Marsh that deserves sharing. I know he is not alone.

Hm, I’ve noticed that Taylor Marsh’s readership, based on number of comments, is down by 75% now that she’s not stirring up shit against Obama. That’s a sign of some integrity.

OK, the suicide watch comes down, but you still suck for what you have done. I’m not over it yet. Independent of your writing or your coverage, your site became a haven for irrational idiots and you protected them by moderating comments. Then, as if someone hit you on the head, you suddenly realize some of these people you’ve encouraged are out of their tree. 

Some of the nasty little jabs you made, the mockery, provided the fuel for that fire. That’s the problem, Taylor; you went negative from the get-go. You also made up things about Obama supporters that simply aren’t true: I have never, ever met these “Obama worshippers” you were so fond of pointing out. If there was any die-hard worship, it was of Hillary Clinton. Go check your comments if you don’t believe me; there isn’t a pro-Obama site that came even close to worship. and your site, however, is full of sycophantic praise to the skies.

It’s called projection, Marsh.

But I understand, I think-you guys had to go negative because frankly, the Clinton campaign sucked big time. Mark Penn and all the other dingbats let Obama in the door in Iowa, fucked up the stategy in Texas, and more. Then Hillary ran to the center, and almost tilted right, because Obama was sucking up all of the populist oxygen. Having a beer and a shot with a couple of workers is not going to necessarily fix that. And it didn’t.

Nonetheless, I’m glad to see that you finally got your head out of your ass and regained a shred of your dignity-but I won’t respect you for a long time. I know that doesn’t matter, but you should know that there are alot of people who used to read your site just like me before your readership lost its mind.

As the comments I have posted here indicate, ‘lost its mind’ may be an understatement. Her readership lost their minds, borrowed Abby Normal’s, then lost THAT one too.

Life and Death

June 14, 2008

As I posted here (and thank you all for your wonderful comments), my baby daughter was born last week. Unfortunately, my beloved father in law, who may be familiar to anyone in the Tampa-St. Pete radio market, former AM 970 WFLA News Director Don Richards, passed away from cancer about 12 hours after his first grandchild was born. He got to see pictures, at least, of the legacy he leaves behind.

Damn, Don, we miss you, but we know you are watching over our Meghan, and telling your stories to all who will listen.

‘This is Don Richards, 970, WFLA.’

Don Richards
Blogging will resume when things settle down. I apologize for the delay. So many emotions lately.

A New Life

June 10, 2008

The Newest DreamerMeghan Elaine Dawn

Arrived 926 on 05 Jun08

The most beautiful girl in the world, The newest Dreamer

Daddy loves you


A Historic Night

June 4, 2008

As we enter a new era in American history, all I can say is ‘yes we can.’ Yes, we can. God bless America, and God Bless the next president, Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama’s New Home

June 3, 2008

Pictures have been released of Obama’s winter home. Looks pretty nice.